Injection lipolysis
The injection lipolysis method is suited for the patients with localized fat tissue, those who are not overweight but only want to model their shape.
Lipolysis allows the fat tissue to be reduced in a non-surgical way, permanently and effectively. It works by injecting the fat tissue with a mixture of phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate and L-carnitine, among others. Such procedures gain popularity across the world and become an alternative to painful surgeries like liposuction. Currently, lipolysis is the safest and relatively inexpensive method of effective reduction of localized fat tissue.
How does LIPOLYSIS work?
The injection lipolysis consists in directly injecting the fat tissue with a solution of phosphatidylcholine, also known as lecithin. It is obtained from soya grains which makes it a completely neutral substance. It crosses the cellular membranes and has lipolytic character. It breaks apart the fat deposits acting as a detergent for the fat cells, making them easily dissolvable in water and excreted by the lymphatic and circulatory systems. Until now, no side effects have been observed clinically.
The most spectacular effects of body shaping are achieved with patients who have accumulated fat tissue and are unable to reduce it through diet and physical exercise. The treatment is not effective with patients with large and extensive fat tissue accumulation. The lipolysis is mostly carried out in the areas where excessive fat tissue occurs: chin and jawline, stomach, thighs and buttocks.
How does the procedure go?
The procedure is practically painless, it is performed using a specialized technique of so-called intralipotherapy with very thin needles making it highly tolerable by the patients. At the site of the injection appears a reddening and a stinging sensation which soon passes. After the procedure there may occur a relatively big swelling and a painful and stinging reddening, itch or small haematomas. These are typical and normal symptoms of the disintegration of the fat cells. After the procedure, patients can resume their full activity. The procedures work best if they are repeated 4-5 times at about one-month intervals, depending on the amount of the fat tissue.
Indications for the LIPOLYSIS
Localized fat tissue
- double chin,
- fat fold on the stomach,
- thighs,
- buttocks,
- near armpits,
- fat cushions around armpits,
- big knees,
- pregnancy and breastfeeding
- allergies (especially to egg protein and soya)
- autoimmune diseases
- diabetes
- liver diseases
- kidney diseases.
After the treatment
Within several days after treatment the following symptoms always occur:
- reddening, warmness at the site of the injection (a few hours)
- swelling, pain, stinging (a few days)
- haematomas, bruises
- sensitivity to pressure or touch, or general soreness
- diarrhea
- possible pungent smell of urine related to the excretion of the metabolized fat tissue and body detoxification (several days after treatment).